Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Momentum Writer
by Black Obelisk Software

According to the program web site, Momentum Writer is designed to keep you moving forward with your writing. It's built to overcome that habit I admit that I'm guilty of, constant editing and re-writing. NaNoWriMo

is a great way to keep on plugging ahead. Constant interruptions by your internal editor are a sure way to cripple or maim your inner muse as you're typing.

Momentum Writer forces you to move forward in with your story. It also saves you from over typing your previous work. The program is only 700K, and can run on your computer or from a flash drive. That's a handy feature when you use multiple computers but still want to get in some typing. Work is automatically saved, and you start back when you last finished.

The only cost for all these fine features is a small amount of your time to download and install the program.

In other words, Momentum Writer is free! You can't beat the price, and Momentum Writer just may help you finish that novel you've always wanted to write.


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