Monday, August 25, 2008


Broken Angel
by Sigmund Brouwer

Web site -

Author moderated blog -

(Click book for Amazon link)
In Broken Angel a young girl named Caitlyn finds her life has been a series of half-truths forged to protect her very existence from state controlled bounty hunters and officials who want her dead or alive. Disfigured from birth, Caitlyn has spent her life on the run with her father by skrting the small, state run towns in the Appalachian Mountains. Mr. Brouwer has managed to capture a feel for the Appalachians, and the stron, self-relient independence of it's people.

Mr. Brouwer kindly consented to answer a few questions concerning Broken Angel and his writing.

After writing so many different books, what is your favorite genre to write?
I’m beginning to discover that what I like most is something that happened not by design with Broken Angel: a combination of trying to generate suspense like in Fuse of Armageddon, with speculation about the near future. My editor at Waterbrook, Shannon, calls it visionary suspense. In retrospect, it makes sense that I end up here. I love Harlan Coben’s suspense, and Michael Crichton’s believe sci-fi scenarios.

I’ve already been toying with other ideas for more novels like this: using evolutionary science to trace the genetic code to Adam and Eve and the first moments of human consciousness in all of history, or a carnivorous fungus that grows computer-generated intelligence or. . .

Where did you get the idea for Broken Angel?
I think of it as a father daughter story first, with a genetics background. The father/daughter is because, of course, my two little girls. As for genetics, because of previous novel, Double Helix, I’d done a lot of causal reading about genetics, and then there was a wave of news stories about incredible new advances, like fusing animal and human embryos.

Broken Angel takes place in the Appalachian Mountains, and you seemed to pick up on the independent spirit of the region. Did you spend a lot of time researching the area?
Lots and lots of time. My wife, Cindy, grew up in the region. It’s beautiful, isolated and perfect to form a theocracy! And, for reasons of domestic harmony, I won't get into stories about her families that were, um, inspirational. . .

Are there any plans for a Broken Angel sequel?
I’m working on it right now. There were too many unanswered questions at the end of the novel, and I couldn’t find a natural place to answer those questions. Especially about the events that forced Jordan to flee to Appalachia with Caitlyn. So I've followed Caitlyn to the Outside and am learning there is a far greater secret hidden from her than the one in Broken Angel.
Thank you for your time answering these questions.

*Participants’ Links:

Brandon Barr
Justin Boyer
Jackie Castle
Valerie Comer
Karri Compton
CSFF Blog Tour
Gene Curtis
Stacey Dale
D. G. D. Davidson
Jeff Draper
April Erwin
Karina Fabian
* Beth Goddard
Mark Goodyear
Andrea Graham
Todd Michael Greene
Katie Hart
Timothy Hicks
Christopher Hopper
Joleen Howell
Jason Joyner
Carol Keen
Terri Main
* Shannon McNear
Melissa Meeks
* Rebecca LuElla Miller
John W. Otte
Deena Peterson
Steve Rice
* Cheryl Russel
Ashley Rutherford
Chawna Schroeder
James Somers
Robert Treskillard
* Steve Trower
Speculative Faith
Laura Williams


Mark Redfern said...

Hey Tim. Glad to see you join the blogosphere. Keep me posted!

lisa Newcom said...

Interesting Read.

Lisa Newcom

Fantasythyme said...

Thanks for visiting. Broken Angel made you wonder how far things might get out of hand with genetic research and limited oversight.


Rebecca LuElla Miller said...

Hi, Tim, nice interview. I just posted my review and commented that much was left unanswered, but I didn't assume that meant there would be a sequel, but you got right to the heart of that issue. Now I'm interested to learn about this greater secret!


Fantasythyme said...

Thanks Becky.
Broken Angel is a book that stayed with me after I closed the cover. I wondered ahow far from the story our future might actually be.
