Vacation Trip Trials
Is there such a thing as a restful theme park vacation? Months of preparation are capped by days of driving to your destination. Of course the trip never goes as planned, and expectations must change.
A long vacation trip has many similarities with life. We start out with high expectations and excitement over what the future holds. Then tradgedy, or just monthly bills hit, and plans are changed along with our expectations.
On a recent trip, we encountered a two-hour delay in a mountain interstate traffic jam. Lines of cars, trucks and semi-trucks snaked down the road ahead and around the next corner. We couldn't tell what lay ahead, and often wondered when the line might inch forward a few more feet. Rounding the curve, we saw another car lined curve, and then another. Traffic slowed to a stop. As we neared the end of the backed traffic, we noticed a terrible semi-truck wreck spreading across both two lanes.
What if we had arrived earlier? Would our family have been part of that accident? Only God knows, and he cares what befalls each of us. Has your life slowed down, or seemed to stop? God knows what lies ahead, and he may be sparing you from something much worse.
So if life becomes rough, just remember who awaits you at your journey's end. He never promised that the trip would be easy. You might encounter potholes, or even a few road blocks, along the way. But, like a vacation trip, your destination will be worth the trouble once you arrive.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Thursday, June 07, 2007

Well, the final blog tour day has arrived. This is your last chance to visit all the paticipating blog sites, post a comment, and hope to win your very own copy of Light at the Edge of Darkness along with a special edition t-shirt!
Spread the word. As more readers climb aboard for the ride of their life with this collection, maybe we'll get treated to great new stories in a 'More Light at the Edge of Darkness' sequel?
In the Kevin Costner movie, Field of Dreams, the main character is told 'If you build it, they will come.' With Light at the Edge of Darkness you have a chance to make a difference too - If you buy and read it, they will write.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The Lost Genre Guild tour is at the mid-way mark!
Each tour day, one lucky poster will win their very own copy of Light at the Edge of Darkness and their own special t-shirt.
But, why wait? Run to your local bookstore and order a copy or two today. Be that friend who first recommends a new book before everyone else has had a chance to experience it.
Be that person ready to 'Boldly Go' like Kirk in Your Average Ordinary Alien, by Adam Graham, except maybe the aliens you'll meet are nothing like the ones you've seen in the movies.
If that sounds too tame - try mixing together a stalker, a guilty conscious, and a deserted old house all in one suspenseful concoction. Guilty, by Daniel I. Weaver, leads the reader through the consequences of guilt harbored too long.
These are only a couple of the stories in Light at the Edge of Darkness. There are another twenty-five stories about zombies, time travel - both by alien and by hitman, and an unexpected stagecoach romance.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Are you willing to face what is revealed when you find the LIGHT AT THE EDGE OF DARKNESS?
This speculative fiction collection will lead you on a wild roller-coaster ride through stories that confront your faith head on. Some stories are humourous, and some disturbing, but all are entertaining.
There is something for all readers; fantasy, science-fiction, adventure, horror, suspense and even an alien helping the Earth as a charity project to the dismay of the ultimate science-fiction fan.
So grab a copy of LIGHT AT THE EDGE OF DARKNESS today, and strap yourself in for the ride of your life.
You'll never know what hit you.
This speculative fiction collection will lead you on a wild roller-coaster ride through stories that confront your faith head on. Some stories are humourous, and some disturbing, but all are entertaining.
There is something for all readers; fantasy, science-fiction, adventure, horror, suspense and even an alien helping the Earth as a charity project to the dismay of the ultimate science-fiction fan.
So grab a copy of LIGHT AT THE EDGE OF DARKNESS today, and strap yourself in for the ride of your life.
You'll never know what hit you.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Four Bestselling Fantasy Authors. Ten Cities. One Fantastic Tour!
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Authors on tour:
Sharon Hinck
Bryan Davis
Wayne Thomas Batson
Christopher Hopper
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